Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
EarningsPlus compares student earnings after college against a benchmark of all students with the same graduate degree, adjusting for the in-state / out-of-state composition of the student body.
Schools are assigned a value from 1-100, where 100 is best for students from households earning up to $30,000. This value is multiplied by the percentage of the school’s student body that received a Pell Grant, to calculate the economic mobility score. A higher score is better. Read the full explanation
The percentage of a school’s student body that has received a Pell Grant.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
The total debt accrued by the median student at the time of graduation.
The debt-to-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing student debt upon graduation by the annual salary. A debt to earnings ratio of 1 means that annual educational debt is the same as annual earnings.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
EarningsPluscompares student earnings after college against a benchmark that Degreechoices adjusts based on each school’s unique mix of academic programs and the in-state/out-of-state composition of the student body.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
The best chemical engineering schools in the U.S. – ranked by value
Chemical engineers produce and transform various useful materials – ranging from cosmetics to fuel. Besides chemistry and engineering, most chemical engineering bachelor’s programs place a heavy emphasis on math, physics, and materials science.
To help you make a financially savvy college decision, we list the best chemical engineering schools in the U.S. by value for money. Get your bachelor’s in chemical engineering from a respected university without drowning in debt!
Economically speaking, chemical engineering is one of the best majors you can get. According to our economic score metric, which measures the value for money of college degrees, chemical engineering is in the top 20% of all college majors at the bachelor’s level.
4 years after graduating, people with a bachelor’s in chemical engineering earn 70% more money than the average person with a bachelor’s degree.
EarningsPluscompares student earnings after college against a benchmark that Degreechoices adjusts based on each school’s unique mix of academic programs and the in-state/out-of-state composition of the student body.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
We ranked all accredited chemical engineering bachelor’s programs in the U.S. that are registered with the National Center for Education Statistics’ IPEDS tool (CIP code 14.07).
We evaluated 155 bachelor’s programs and ranked them by value for money, as reflected by our economic score metric. The lower the economic score, the better.
Chemical engineering programs with a low economic score provide the optimal combination of affordability and high earnings after graduation.
Note that our cost figures relate to net cost, which is the average amount paid by students after financial aid and including room, board, and other expenses.
All data on net cost and post-graduation economic outcomes is sourced from IPEDS and College Scorecard.
All programs on this list are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate89%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Florida is a large public university in Gainesville, a college town in the northern part of the state. Its affordable net cost and the high average earnings of its chemical engineering alumni make it the best-value chemical engineering program in the country.
UF’s Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering (BSChE) degree is an 8-semester program that features many opportunities for experiential learning, internships, and cooperative education. Students can choose to add minors to the degree, including the biomolecular minor.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate84%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Florida State University (FSU) is a large public research university in Tallahassee, the state capital. Usually referred to as Florida State, it was founded in 1851, making it one of Florida’s oldest universities.
Florida State’s Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering is the 2nd best in the nation by value for money. Its curriculum focuses on applying experimental and computer analysis to chemical engineering processes. A large part of the instruction takes place in the university’s state-of-the-art laboratories
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate56%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Rounding out our top 5, New Mexico State University is a public research university in Las Cruces, a college town not far from El Paso, Texas. It is the oldest public university in New Mexico.
The Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering is among the best in the Southwest. Instruction features both lectures and laboratory learning. Examples of courses include engineering materials, heat and mass transfer, process dynamics and control, and material balances.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate95%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Rice University is a private research university in Houston, Texas. Its beautiful campus is adjacent to Houston’s Museum Quarter. Rice is a highly selective university: it only accepted 9.5% of applicants in 2023.
Rice’s prestigious BS in Chemical Engineering (BSChE) allows students to choose from among 5 areas of specialization, including biomolecular engineering, computational engineering, energy/sustainability, materials/nanotechnology, or the “breadth” option, which provides a more general overview.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate94%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
University of California, Berkeley is a highly selective public research university in California’s Bay Area. It is often referred to as a “Public Ivy” due to its rigorous academic standards. It is home to the country’s 3rd best-value chemical engineering program.
Berkeley offers a well-regarded B.S. in Chemical Engineering through its College of Chemistry. The program prepares students to work in the development, design, and operation of chemical products and processes.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate97%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Stanford is a highly selective private research university in California’s Bay Area, between San Jose and San Francisco. It is an “Ivy Plus” university.
Stanford’s Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering is all about conceiving and designing processes to produce, transform, and transport materials. Stanford encourages its chemical engineering students to participate in research and take advantage of interdisciplinary connections.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate69%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Arizona State University, or ASU, is a large public research university in the Phoenix metro area. It is one of the largest universities in the country.
Its BSE in Chemical Engineering is devoted to applying chemistry, physics, and mathematics principles to the conversion of chemicals into more useful forms. This program is offered on the Tempe campus. The program includes an “accelerated” option for students who want to earn a bachelor’s and a master’s in 5 years.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate77%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of South Florida (USF) is a public research university based in Tampa. It also has campuses in St. Petersburg and Sarasota. Its motto is “Truth and Wisdom.”
USF is home to a well-regarded Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. Students will immerse themselves in advanced chemistry, thermodynamics, fluids, heat, mass transfer, and much more. To graduate, students also complete a design project.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate65%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Oklahoma State University is a public research university in the town of Stillwater. It offers a bachelor’s in chemical engineering that focuses on designing processes for producing, transforming, and transporting materials. Students have access to state-of-the art facilities and plenty of hands-on experience in laboratories. Graduates go on to become process engineers, field engineers, R&D engineers, biomedical engineers, and much more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate78%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate93%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
University of California, Los Angeles, usually referred to as UCLA, is a large research university. It is one of the most selective, prestigious public universities in the country, making it a “Public Ivy.”
Its Samueli School of Engineering offers a competitive B.S. in Chemical Engineering program. Potential chemical engineering majors must apply for the program as college freshmen.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate84%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Brigham Young University (BSU) is a private religious university in Provo, Utah. It is affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, better known as the Mormon Church. While this is a relatively affordable program, remember that BYU students are expected to live up to strict honor codes.
BYU offers a B.S. in Chemical Engineering with technical electives like semiconductors, nuclear engineering, bioengineering, thermodynamics, and much more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate53%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate76%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate85%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
North Carolina State University (NC State) is a public research institution in North Carolina’s capital city of Raleigh. It is the largest university in the Carolinas.
Its chemical engineering students go on to work in biofuels, pharmaceuticals, fibers, plastics, and much more. Students can choose from among numerous concentrations: biomanufacturing sciences; biomolecular science; nanoscience; sustainable engineering, energy, and environment; paper science; textile engineering; and more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate88%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a large public research university. It is the flagship institution of the University of Illinois system, and it is one of the largest universities in the United States.
Its B.S. in Chemical Engineering program allows students to choose between 2 specializations: chemical engineering or biomolecular engineering. Students also complete capstone design projects, participate in undergraduate research, study abroad, and take part in co-ops and internships, ensuring they graduate with real-world experience.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate84%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Texas A&M University, College Station (TAMU) is a large public research university. Its Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering is one of the best known in the South. Chemical Engineering students can pick an area of emphasis that interests them.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate94%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate67%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate69%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.