Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
EarningsPlus compares student earnings after college against a benchmark of all students with the same graduate degree, adjusting for the in-state / out-of-state composition of the student body.
Schools are assigned a value from 1-100, where 100 is best for students from households earning up to $30,000. This value is multiplied by the percentage of the school’s student body that received a Pell Grant, to calculate the economic mobility score. A higher score is better. Read the full explanation
The percentage of a school’s student body that has received a Pell Grant.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
The total debt accrued by the median student at the time of graduation.
The debt-to-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing student debt upon graduation by the annual salary. A debt to earnings ratio of 1 means that annual educational debt is the same as annual earnings.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
EarningsPluscompares student earnings after college against a benchmark that Degreechoices adjusts based on each school’s unique mix of academic programs and the in-state/out-of-state composition of the student body.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
The best colleges for early childhood education – 2024
Students of early childhood education learn all about the complex factors influencing learning and development in early childhood, from birth to 3rd grade. Many programs lead to teaching licensure. Discover the best-value early childhood education programs at the bachelor’s level, offering the optimal combination of high earnings and affordability.
For society? Yes. But for financial security? Not so much.
A degree in education (including early childhood education) can lead to a rewarding, fun career. You’ll make a huge – hopefully positive – difference in people’s lives, helping young children learn, grow, and explore at a crucial juncture in their cute little existences.
However, in most states, teachers earn criminally low salaries, especially early on. This means that getting a bachelor’s in early childhood education can be a risky decision financially.
Data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) shows that people with an undergraduate degree in education earn 23% less than the average bachelor’s holder and only 9.5% more than the average person with just a high school diploma.
This puts education in the bottom 40% of all college degrees by value for money.
On the other hand, school districts are always in need of teachers, so you probably won’t need to worry about unemployment. If you’re determined to get an education degree, prioritize affordability. Stick to in-state, public universities to avoid toxic student debt you may not be able to pay off.
Alternatively, compare education to other bachelor’s degrees using our major comparison tool below!
Click on a degree card to reveal more information.
EarningsPluscompares student earnings after college against a benchmark that Degreechoices adjusts based on each school’s unique mix of academic programs and the in-state/out-of-state composition of the student body.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
We ranked all accredited early childhood education bachelor’s programs in the U.S. that are registered with the National Center for Education Statistics’ IPEDS tool (under CIP code 13.1210).
We evaluated 241 bachelor’s programs and ranked them by value for money, as reflected by our economic score metric. The lower the economic score, the better.
Education programs with a low economic score provide the optimal combination of affordability and high earnings after graduation. As variables, we use:
Net cost, which is the average amount paid by students after financial aid and including room, board, and other expenses;
Earnings, 4 years after leaving college.
All data on net cost and post-graduation economic outcomes is sourced from IPEDS and College Scorecard. Note that program-level cost and earnings data is aggregated for all “education” majors (CIP 13.12) offered by a particular school. Thus, earnings data does not differentiate between people with early childhood, elementary, or high-school education degrees from the university at hand.
All the programs listed below potentially lead to teaching licensure, but some may also offer a non-licensure track for students more interested in the theoretical aspects of early childhood development.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate63%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
CUNY City College (City College or CCNY) is a public research university in New York City. It is part of the CUNY network, which is well known for offering affordable degrees that don’t compromise on quality.
It offers a rigorous, highly respected B.S. in Early Childhood Education that emphasizes the needs and perspectives of diverse young learners from various socio-cultural backgrounds. This program includes a fieldwork component that ensures students graduate with hands-on experience. It leads to certification in New York State.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate59%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
CUNY Brooklyn College is a public university in Brooklyn, New York City. Part of the CUNY network, which is renowned for bestowing high-quality, affordable degrees, it is a great option for students who want to study early childhood education without drowning in debt.
Its B.A. in Early Childhood Education (Birth to Grade 2) is highly respected, as it offers dual certification in early childhood education and teaching students with disabilities in early childhood. Students combine educational theory with hands-on practice. This program leads to certification.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate75%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Florida International University (FIU) is a public research university in Miami-Dade Country, between Florida’s Carribean coast and the beautiful Everglades.
FIU’s B.S. in Early Childhood Education is one of the best in the state of Florida. Students can choose between 2 major specializations: Early Childhood Development, and Prekindergarten/Primary Education: Age 3 through Grade 3 and Reading/ESOL Endorsement. The second major leads to teacher certification, while the first does not. Courses cover classroom management, development, assessment techniques, family engagement, teaching children with special needs, and more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate88%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
New York University (NYU) is a prestigious, highly selective private university in Manhattan, New York City. By enrollment, it is the largest private university in the country.
If offers a B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education that leads to dual teacher certification for working with kids from birth to Grade 2. Graduates are prepared to teach in both general education and special education settings. Students also have the opportunity to conduct research and study abroad in the UK or in Ghana.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate69%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of North Florida (UNF) is a public research university in the buzzing town of Jacksonville, near the border with Georgia.
Its Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education is a great option for people looking to save on college. The undergraduate program offers 2 tracks: a prekindergarten/primary licensure concentration and an early childhood development concentration. The first track includes field work and a semester-long internship in a school; it leads to state certification. The second track is an online non-licensure program that is better for students who plan to work toward advanced degrees.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate77%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
University of South Florida (USF) is a public research university in Tampa. It is the fourth-largest university in Florida by enrollment.
It offers a highly regarded Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education. Its curriculum includes a state-approved program that makes students eligible for licensure in Early Childhood Education Pre-Kindergarten/Primary (Age 3 to Grade 3). This program combines theory with field experiences, teaching practice, and internships.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate62%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Florida Gulf Coast University (FGCU) is a public university just outside Fort Myers, in the sunny southeast corner of the state.
Its B.A. in Early Childhood Education program prepares students for licensure in the state of Florida. Graduates will be certified to teach children from age 3 to Grade 3 and finish the program with a Prekindergarten/Disability endorsement, an ESOL endorsement, and a Reading endorsement. The curriculum is enriched by extensive field experiences.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate66%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH Manoa) is a public research university in Honolulu. It offers students the unique opportunity to pursue their studies amidst the unparalleled natural beauty of the Aloha state.
UH Manoa’s high-value Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood and Early Childhood Special Education is the best in the state. Students of this 3-for-1 program graduate with a bachelor’s degree along with 2 teaching licenses at the early childhood level, preparing graduates to work with young children – with or without disabilities – in preschool through 3rd Grade.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate78%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Central Florida (UCF) is a public research university just outside the exciting city of Orlando, the state’s fourth-largest city.
UCF’s affordable B.S. in Early Childhood Development and Education has a strong reputation. Its curriculum covers child development, social and emotional development, assessment, literacy, and more. This program offers 2 tracks, both of which feature plenty of opportunities for experiential learning. The Education, Pre-Kindergarten through Primary Track leads to certification, whereas the Early Childhood Development Track does not.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate73%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Western Washington University (WWU or Western) is a public university in the quaint seaside town of Bellingham, nestled between Washington state’s Cascade Mountains and the Puget Sound, not far from the Canadian border.
Western’s early childhood education program includes 3 tracks: a non-certification option for students who don’t require it (many graduates go on to work in childcare or after-school programs), a P-3 option that teaches students to work with kids from birth to 3rd grade, and a P-3 with Elementary Education option that teaches students to work with kids from birth to 8th grade. The latter 2 options lead to teaching certification.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate68%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
San Francisco State University (SF State or SFSU) is a public research university in San Francisco, a hip city in California’s Bay Area. SF State is an officially designated Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and Asian American Native American Pacific Islander serving institution (AANAPISI).
It offers a Bachelor of Arts in Child Development: Pre-K to 3rd Grade that is one of the best in California. This major allows students to apply for California Early Childhood Education Specialist credential programs. The curriculum places a special emphasis on social justice and cultural awareness.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate62%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Louisiana Tech (La. Tech or simply Tech) is a public research university in Ruston, Louisiana, a college town in the north of the state.
La. Tech’s College of Education & Human Sciences offers an affordable B.S. in Early Childhood Education – Grades PK-3. Its curriculum includes general education, early childhood teaching, and a year-long clinical residency. Courses include instructional design, strategies, and assessment; strategies and procedures for serving young children with special needs; classroom management; reading and writing methods; child psychology; and many more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate84%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Minnesota (UM) is a public research university with several campuses in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul. It is one of the oldest and largest universities in the state.
UM’s BS in Early Childhood prepares students to work with children in various fields. The curriculum places a special emphasis on developmental psychology and features several hands-on learning experiences in schools and local communities. Note that students who want to become licensed teachers will need to add a 1-year master’s degree to their bachelor’s studies.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate56%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) is a public research university in Paradise, Nevada, a suburb in the Los Vegas metro area.
The Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education at UNLV is an outstanding program that teaches the knowledge and skills necessary to support the learning of young children. It features a licensure and a non-licensure track. Graduates go on to become licensed teachers, preschool teachers, preschool administrators, day care teachers, day care administrators, and more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate63%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The William Paterson University of New Jersey, commonly referred to as William Paterson or WPUNJ, is a small public university in the suburban college town of Wayne. The campus is conveniently located just 20 miles from Midtown Manhattan.
The BA in Early Childhood Education (P-3) is a great choice for people who want to become teachers in New Jersey. The curriculum includes a professional preparation program that leads to teacher certification. Courses include Educational Practices in the Inclusive Classroom, Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Education, Math and Science in Early Childhood Education, and more.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate59%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Roosevelt University is a private university with several campuses in the Chicago area. It is home to the tallest educational building in Chicago and the 2nd tallest educational building in the United States.
The Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education, BAE at Roosevelt is a high-value program that’s great for people who want to become teachers in Illinois. The curriculum places a particular emphasis on field work, preparing students to work with children from diverse backgrounds and their families, including kids with special needs and from foreign-language backgrounds. This program boasts a 100% pass rate on the teacher licensure exam for Illinois.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate82%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Delaware (UD or Delaware) is a research university in Newark, Delaware, just outside Wilmington. While it is privately governed, it receives significant funding from the state. It is the largest university in Delaware.
UD is home to a well-regarded Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education bachelor’s program that prepares students for certification in all 50 states. Students can also enroll in a 4+1 program and earn a master’s degree in 1 year right after undergrad. The curriculum focuses on child development and developing age-appropriate instructional strategies and materials that meet each child’s specific social, cognitive, and physical needs.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate81%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Scranton is a private Jesuit university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. It is affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, making it a great choice for people who want to pursue their studies in a faith-centered environment.
The Early & Primary Teacher Education program at the University of Scranton prepares students for the state licensure exam, training them to become teachers at the preschool level through 4th grade. The curriculum teaches students the basics of reading, math, science, and social studies instruction. Family and community relations, educational psychology, and methodology are also important components. This program is rich in hands-on teaching experiences.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate56%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of North Alabama (UNA) is a public university in Florence, Alabama. It is the oldest public university in the state. It was also one of the first coeducational colleges in the nation.
Its Bachelor of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education is a good affordable option for those who want to pursue a career teaching young children. The program leads to P-3 certification in Alabama. Examples of courses include evaluation of teaching and learning, accommodating student diversity, learning theories and student development, classroom management, children’s literature in a digital age, and more. Program participants also complete an internship.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate91%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Top careers with an early childhood education degree
People with a bachelor’s in early childhood education typically go on to become preschool, kindergarten, or elementary school teachers (up to about 3rd grade).
If you want to be a special education teacher, you may be better off getting a bachelor’s in special education or searching for a program that leads to dual certification in early childhood and early childhood special education.
Do preschool teachers need a degree? What about elementary school teachers?
While each state has slightly different licensing requirements for teachers, all elementary school teachers need at least a bachelor’s degree before they can get certification. The same is true for kindergarten teachers.
For pre-K, however, the situation is less clear-cut. While some states require preschool teachers to obtain a bachelor’s degree, others only require an associate degree or certificate.
Early childhood education salary info
Below, we show the average annual earnings of people with a degree in education, 4 years after leaving school (regardless of whether they’re working as teachers). Note that teachers can expect higher salaries as they accumulate experience.