Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
EarningsPlus compares student earnings after college against a benchmark of all students with the same graduate degree, adjusting for the in-state / out-of-state composition of the student body.
Schools are assigned a value from 1-100, where 100 is best for students from households earning up to $30,000. This value is multiplied by the percentage of the school’s student body that received a Pell Grant, to calculate the economic mobility score. A higher score is better. Read the full explanation
The percentage of a school’s student body that has received a Pell Grant.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
The total debt accrued by the median student at the time of graduation.
The debt-to-earnings ratio is calculated by dividing student debt upon graduation by the annual salary. A debt to earnings ratio of 1 means that annual educational debt is the same as annual earnings.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
EarningsPluscompares student earnings after college against a benchmark that Degreechoices adjusts based on each school’s unique mix of academic programs and the in-state/out-of-state composition of the student body.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Discover the best colleges for elementary education. Elementary education majors learn about the ins and outs of teaching grades K-6, including teaching best practices and designing age-appropriate lessons. Read more about our methodology here.
According to College Scorecard and IPEDS, holders of bachelor’s degrees in education earn an average salary of $41,485 – about 20% lower than the national average for all bachelor’s degree holders.
Teachers with a master’s in education enjoy a higher average salary of $53,027. Still, this amount falls behind the average ($69,400) for the same degree level nationwide.
Overall, if it’s high earnings you’re after, there are more lucrative degrees available to you than a bachelor’s in elementary education. Make sure teaching is financially viable for you – and, more importantly, something you’d truly enjoy doing – in the long term.
Below, compare an elementary education degree with similar fields on outcomes like average future earnings.
Click on a degree card to reveal more information.
EarningsPluscompares student earnings after college against a benchmark that Degreechoices adjusts based on each school’s unique mix of academic programs and the in-state/out-of-state composition of the student body.
Payback measures how long it takes the average student to pay back the total cost of attending college with marginal earnings. Marginal earnings are the difference between what the average student would have earned before attending college and what they earn afterwards.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
From there, we found the top 20 bachelor’s in elementary education programs that offer the best value for money. To score highly, a program should strike a balance between its net cost (annual tuition after federal student aid) and earning potential (average salary 4 years after graduation).
We only use data from government sources like College Scorecard and IPEDS. To learn more about how we rank schools, check out our full methodology page.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate63%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
CUNY City College, the oldest member of the City University of New York public university system, is a public university in the Hamilton Heights neighborhood of New York. Its Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) program is ranked among the best programs in the nation for value for money.
Students of the Undergraduate Childhood Education Program take courses in liberal arts and education, along with those related to their chosen co-major. In line with the school’s mission, the program aims to develop in its teachers a sensitivity to diversity, fairness, and cultivating caring communities in the classroom.
Graduates earn a recommendation for New York State initial certification as teachers of grades 1-6.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate59%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Students should complete the Pre-Professional Courses before continuing to the Professional Preparation Sequence. The Professional Preparation Sequence, which covers all major subject areas (in addition to special education) in its curriculum, is an intensive combination of practical experiences, class discussions, and collaboration with faculty on campus and in field placements.
The program prepares students aiming to become certified as teachers of grades 1-6 in New York, leading to a recommendation for state certification.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate52%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Chipola College, a small public college in Marianna, in Northern Florida, offers a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Elementary Education that ranks first for best-value bachelor’s degree in elementary education.
Chipola’s 60-credit BS in Elementary Education program offers a comprehensive curriculum covering both core subject areas and strategies for effective classroom instruction. In their senior year, students divide their time between an internship or practicum and refining their classroom management, communication, and evaluation skills.
Apart from elementary education, Chipola offers several undergraduate degrees in middle school, secondary school, and special education.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate59%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Brooklyn College, another member of the CUNY system, is home to one of the most comprehensive and affordable teaching preparation programs in New York City – including its BA in Childhood Education Teacher program for teachers of grades 1-6.
Beyond satisfying core degree requirements, students take courses in their chosen liberal arts and sciences concentration; available concentrations range from art to psychology, philosophy, and computer and information sciences.
To gain practical experience in the field, students take part in 14-week, full-time internships in public or private schools throughout New York City.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate59%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Heritage University, a small private university in rural Toppenish, Washington and designated Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), offers an affordable BA in Education program through both Toppenish and Pasco campuses.
This comprehensive Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program includes an endorsement for English Language Learners Education and emphasis in elementary STEM. Students can earn the degree in just 4 semesters, one of which includes classroom teaching.
Graduates earn a WA State Teaching Certification with an Elementary Education K-8 Endorsement and ELL/BLE Education K-12 Endorsement.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate64%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
SUNY College at Old Westbury is a midsized public university in Old Westbury, in Long Island, New York, and a member of the State University of New York (SUNY) public university system.
Old Westbury is home to severable affordable undergraduate degree programs in elementary education that include a BS in Childhood Education (grades 1-6), a BS in Childhood Education (grades 1-6) extended to Bilingual Education, and a BS in Special Education with Childhood Education (grades 1-6).
Beyond developing pedagogical competence, these degree programs prepare teachers to lead diverse and socially just classrooms. All programs meet the professional certification requirements of New York.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate50%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate75%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Florida International University, a large public university in Miami and designated Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), is home to one of the most affordable education undergraduate programs in the country through its BS in Elementary Education program.
The program prepares students to teach grades K-6, fulfilling requirements for elementary education certification with ESOL and reading endorsements through extensive coursework and varied field experiences. Apart from elementary school teaching, graduates find employment in curriculum development, nonprofits, policy, and elementary education programming.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate67%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Florida Atlantic University (FAU), a large public university in Boca Raton, in Palm Beach County, Florida, is home to a bachelor’s in elementary education program that offers great value for money.
FAU’s bachelor's program in elementary education is a professional program for aspiring teachers of grades K-6. The curriculum comprises courses in (content-based) methods, reading, professional education, and TESOL, in addition to practicum and student teaching experiences.
Graduates are eligible to apply for a Florida-issued Elementary Education (K-6) certificate and endorsements in ESOL and reading.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate72%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Illinois Chicago, or UIC, a large public university in the heart of Chicago, offers an affordable bachelor’s degree in elementary education through its BA in Urban Education – Elementary Education program.
The elementary teaching preparation program at UIC is unique in its focus on teaching in urban schools. To get hands-on training in urban environments, students spend their last 2 years in field placements in diverse classroom settings across Chicago.
Program graduates earn an Illinois Professional Educator License (PEL), an Elementary Education Endorsement (grades 1-6), and afterward, an Early Childhood Education Endorsement.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate61%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Iona University, a private Roman Catholic university in New Rochelle, New York, is home to an affordable bachelor’s in education with a concentration in childhood education (grades 1-6).
Students of Iona’s education undergraduate program earn a BS or a BA depending on their chosen concentration, with available concentrations including Childhood Education (grades 1-6), Childhood/Early Childhood Education (birth-grade 6), and Adolescent Education (grades 7-12).
Childhood Education and Childhood/Early Childhood Education majors can take part in Interprofessional Education (IPE), where they learn from and with other majors like Speech Language Pathology or Social Work, and get on-the- job experience in paid IPE Field Opportunities.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate84%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Graduates of this 3-year combined degree program earn a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction with a major in elementary education, and become eligible to apply for a Florida-issued certificate in Elementary Education (grades K-6) and endorsements in reading and ESOL.
The program consists of 2 years of undergraduate coursework and 1 year of graduate coursework. Some unique features are its focus on STEM integration in curriculums and the variety of field experiences offered.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate88%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate62%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate69%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of North Florida, a midsized public university in Jacksonville, Florida, is home to an affordable Bachelor of Arts in Education (BAE) program with a concentration in Elementary Education (K-6).
From the core curriculum, students participate in several field experiences and develop their skills in behavioral and learning assessment, classroom management, and communication. Beyond meeting coursework requirements, students complete a student teaching internship and supervised literacy practicum.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate77%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
This cohort-based program for aspiring elementary school teachers is unique in its emphasis on arts integration, collaborating with the Florida Center for Partnerships in Arts-Integrated Teaching (PAInT). Students can learn about and apply their knowledge of arts integration pedagogy through clinical experiences at schools and research projects.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate62%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The BA in Elementary Education program through Florida Gulf Coast University, a public university in Lee County, Florida, offers excellent value for the money.
The program prepares future teachers for work in Florida elementary schools (grades K-6), offering a comprehensive curriculum and extensive hands-on experience in field placements in schools in Charlotte, Collier, Glades, Hendry, and Lee.
Upon graduating, students leave with a bachelor’s in elementary education and Reading and ESOL endorsements.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate66%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate85%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
Our economic score ranks programs based on a combination of payback and EarningsPlus. Lower scores are better. Check our methodology page for details and data sources.
The median net cost of students who receive federal financial aid. This is lower than the price advertised by the school.
Median earnings of all students 4 years after graduating.
Graduation rate78%
Graduation rates below the school’s state average are shown in red. Schools with graduation rates in the bottom 25% nationally (49%) are not displayed.
The University of Central Florida, a large public university in Orlando, Florida, offers a good-value Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education program through its College of Community Innovation and Education.
Students of the BS in Elementary Education program at UCF gain the pedagogy and content-based knowledge and skills needed to become teachers of grades K-6, including students with disabilities and English learners.
The program is offered through 3 tracks: the K-6 Certification Track, Professional Studies Track, and Lifelong Learning Track. The K-6 Certification Track meets the educational requirements for elementary education certification in Florida. Upon completion, graduates also earn ESOL and Reading Endorsements.
Highest earning states for elementary education grads
Average salary
New Jersey
District of Columbia
New York
What can you do with an elementary education degree?
As elementary education degrees focus on preparing students to teach grades K-6, most jobs that apply the skills taught in a bachelor’s in elementary education program are in elementary education.
Over the next decade, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects relatively low job growth for kindergarten and elementary school teachers – just 1%, which is lower than average. That said, the BLS also expects about 109,000 openings for kindergarten and elementary school teachers each year.
Below are the average salaries for kindergarten and elementary school teachers and assistants.
If you're thinking of earning an online bachelor’s in elementary education, here’s some good news – most schools care about licensure and experience, not where, or in what format, you got your degree.
What’s more, average earnings from online and on-campus education programs are about the same: education bachelor’s degree holders from on-campus programs earn $39,205 on average – about $2,280 more than the average for those who earned the degree online.
If an online bachelor’s suits your needs best, consider checking out the best-value online programs in elementary education:
What jobs can you get with an elementary education degree besides teaching?
Want to apply what you’ve learned from your bachelor’s in elementary education, but aren’t excited about managing a classroom?
Although the most direct career path from an education degree is teaching, plenty of non-school roles require a similar skillset. Beyond teaching, elementary education graduates also do well in areas like curriculum and instructional design, educational and recreational program leadership, or policy advocacy for children and families.
An education bachelor’s is also a good jumping off point to educational administration, which includes principals, superintendents, and similar roles.
How much do teachers make?
As is generally the case in teaching, the highest earnings for elementary school teachers tend to go to master's degree holders. Check out average salaries for education degree holders across associate, bachelor, and master levels: